What does the Money Dashboard launch mean?

As of this week, Money Dashboard is officially out of our Open Beta testing stage, and launched to the public. But what exactly does that mean to us and to our users?

What is Open Beta?

Beta testing is when software that is almost ready to use is given to an audience of testers to try it out for themselves. The Beta testers help identify bugs or errors that might have been missed and areas where the software can be improved, features that could be added etc. Open Beta means inviting the general public to try out the software, basically anyone who wants to try it. Money Dashboard has been in the Open Beta stage since May 2010. We've received a lot of feedback, and have made some pretty big changes to the design and improvements to the functionality, based on the comments our users have submitted.

What changes today?

Technically: nothing. Money Dashboard is still the same secure, online, personal finance software tool for the UK as it was last week, with all the improvements and additional features that we have added over the past eight months of Open Beta testing.

Is it still free?

Of course it is!

So what's the difference?

We are confident that Money Dashboard is now a fully operational, working, money management software. We are taking away our own safety net, in the sense that we can never again respond to issues by saying “well, we're still in Beta”. We are proudly declaring that Money Dashboard is ready for the public to use.

Does this mean there will be no more development?

Absolutely not. We will continue to make improvements and add new features to Money Dashboard as often as possible.

Can I still give my feedback?

We appreciate any comments or suggestions on our free UK online money tool, and rely on user feedback to improve our service. You can comment on our message board or send us and email.

by Mike Hall, Marketing

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