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This week Jason talks to Ray, who explains why spending his early pay cheques on life experiences rather than possessions and socialising helped him build valuable life skills.
He goes on to explain how investing in doing an MBA in his late 20s and working for someone else for several years equipped him with the experience and confidence to start and grow a successful business which he eventually sold for a sizeable sum.
And be sure to listen to the end when Ray explains why he started another business a few year ago and which has only recently been able to afford to pay him a wage.
Jason Butler is a columnist for The Financial Times, where as 'The Wealthman', he writes about personal finance related issues. He is Head of Financial Education at Salary Finance and also provides expert commentary on personal finance to the BBC, Sky and a range of other publications.
We're delighted to have sponsored Jason's 'Real Money Stories' Podcast - where he shares personal money stories from every day people, so their insights can help you be better with money.