View your crypto holdings with Money Dashboard and Coinbase

We’re delighted to announce a new integration with Coinbase, allowing you to track your cryptocurrency holdings alongside your day-to-day banking accounts.

You can now connect your Coinbase accounts to Money Dashboard, allowing you to see the value of your cryptocurrency holdings in real time along with how much you’re spending and saving in other ‘traditional’ accounts. With over £13million collectively deposited by Money Dashboard users in Coinbase since 2017 it was a no-brainer to create this connection for our users as soon as possible.

Despite the well documented volatility in the cryptocurrency market, the demand for various crypto assets remains strong with more than 3 million people in the UK having now bought crypto. It’s a fascinating market trend and one that is indicative of a broader shake-up in retail banking globally. We’re delighted to be launching this integration with Coinbase that will allow our users to get a consolidated view of how their crypto assets are performing in real time.

The bigger picture

Our long term plan is for Money Dashboard to support connections to all asset types so that you can truly get a consolidated view of your financial position and net worth covering everything from day-to-day spending to savings, investments, loans, mortgages and pensions.

Connections with other cryptocurrency exchanges are coming soon along with more account types connecting via APIs imminently - more announcements to come this week!

If you’ve bought cryptocurrency on any other exchanges, let us know which ones you’d like to see us roll out next. If you don’t hold any crypto assets, but would love to see other account types in the app, let us know what would be top of your list at [email protected]

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