The easy way to take control of your finances

Understanding exactly where, how, and when you're spending your money is the key to organising your finances, and Money Dashboard is a money manager that does just that by showing you your monthly income and spending under the microscope. By grouping your spending together (e.g. utilities, groceries, going out) it's easier to see the patterns in how you spend your money.

Money Dashboard's Clear Cash calculator looks at all of your predicted upcoming expenses to provide you with your available income for the month ahead – allowing you to enjoy any spare cash you might have, safe in the knowledge that you've accounted for all of your usual bills and household spending.

When you add a new account, you'll see three months back-dated financial information. From there, auto categorisation and easily personalised tagging options make it simple to see where your money goes each month.

More money management benefits

  • Timely alerts – Your Money Dashboard will give you a warning if your account balance is low
  • Helpful graphs - see spending categories broken down into trends and insightful diagrams
  • Intuitive, and easy to use – we avoid confusing language and keep the dashboard simple

After you've set up your Money Dashboard home finance software and added all your accounts, it will continue collecting data and automatically tagging transactions for all your accounts, so every time you log in you'll have updated graphs and data.

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Important Information: Money Dashboard Neon and Classic mobile and web apps are now closed as of 31/10/2023. Please see our FAQs for more information.