Terms of Use - Just the highlights

Although we've tried to make our Terms of Use as short and straightforward as possible we know that it's really tempting to tick the box that you've read them without having a quick read. Maybe our Terms of Use won't give JK Rowling any competition, but we've tried to be fair in what we've included, and we've also mentioned a few points which will be useful to you for as long as you use our Service.

It's worth taking a couple of minutes to remind yourself what our Terms of Use say. But if you want a few highlights read on –

Keep your email and mobile phone details up to date

There's a couple of good reasons why you should do this. If you've set up any alerts on the Service that remind you of things like a low current account balance that reminder isn't going to get to you if you've changed your contact details and you've forgotten to change your profile information.

Even if you haven't set up any alerts yet we might sometimes have to let you know about things we're doing with the Service; that might be as simple as a little bit of planned maintenance, or it might be us telling you about that new feature you've asked us for.

If you've had your account for some time why not check that your profile details are still right next time you log in?

Alerts we send

Any alert we send has to be readable by you when you get it in your inbox. Which is pretty obvious really! The information you get; maybe it's a low balance alert, will be readable to anybody else who can access your emails. You might want to make sure that alerts are sent to your personal private email address rather than your work address. After all you want to keep your business private don't you?

If somebody has accessed your log in details

Just in the same way as you wouldn't give a complete stranger the log in details to your bank, it's a good idea to keep your Money Dashboard log in details to yourself. After all once somebody else gets them you've lost control of what happens next. Whilst getting into your account with us won't mean that the person doing that can steal anything from you it does mean they can see information about things like your spending.

If you think somebody might have got hold of your log in details please let us know as soon as possible and we'll send you a new password straightaway.

by Peter Downie, Head of Risk and Compliance

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