Recent Improvements to the User Experience Pt. 2

continued from a previous article: Recent Improvements to the User Experience Pt. 1

Welcome screen

So, what exactly were these big improvements? For new users, there is a much more light-weight setup process. The previous Setup Wizard had several steps which confused users and prevented them from jumping right into using the application. Now, we've got a simple Welcome screen that prompts you to add your online banking accounts right away or to try out our Demo Banking Accounts. If you choose to do neither, you can still interact with the application and see what the screens will look like once you do add your accounts.

My Dashboard

Next, we redesigned the My Dashboard panel to show more, relevant account information. Rather than clicking through to your Accounts screen, you can quickly see the balances for all of your enabled accounts, your Cash at Bank and see your spending for the current month. To help those with lots of accounts, there is a sorting feature which lets you organise your accounts list according to your preference, whether by account name, bank name or balance. You may have noticed that the panels were also increased in size significantly at this time and some of them now expand to fit their contents.

Track Spending

The latest major set of improvements was to the Track Spending panel. It was clear that people needed to be able to see their spending at a variety of levels. Firstly, to see a summary of how they were doing across all their groups. Secondly, to be able to examine an individual Group to understand where they were going over/under their budgets. And thirdly, to see which specific transactions contributed to the spending for an individual Tag. Now, just by clicking on an item in the graph, you can get to the next level of detail. Want to know why you went over a particular budget? Drill down into your Track Spending graph to find the answer.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation whilst these improvements have been made. We'll have many more improvements and new functionality rolling out over the coming months. While we can identify many of the areas which we'd like to improve, we absolutely need the input of our users to help us define and prioritise these changes. So, please do write into [email protected] and let us know your thoughts and suggestions. Or, you can use the Feedback form within the application. Likewise, any positive feedback on what's already been released is always welcome. :-) We hope you like the direction your Money Dashboard is going!

by Elise Urbanek, User Experience Designer

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