A new version of the application has been uploaded over the last few days which incorporates several new changes and fixes. Here is a summary of the changes: The login page has changed to match the feel of the new website. This new login control is now available for use across all the recent windows browsers and we have tested it on Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari (PC version), as well as, of course, Internet Explorer. We are now working on getting access for Apple Mac users The feed engine that brings accounts across from your bank to our system, has been producing sporadic errors including re-finding accounts that have previously been deleted. This is now fixed; you may see unknown account again but once deleted they will now properly delete A bug in the password change module has been fixed A bug in the security word module has been fixed New tags that have been setup in Budgeting, now immediately appear on the Transaction Tagging list We have turned on the enable account tickbox in account management For bank and savings accounts - we have enabled "Show on Fuel Gauge" Inline Account Nickname support has been added to the Accounts page, you can now create nicknames for each of your accounts Accounts are now being automatically updated And a number of other minor changes
We are aware of, and are working on, a few other high priority areas. These include:
Occasional errors in the feed engine show up as give me a minute to update going into a wait state. A short term fix for this is to log out and log back in again, but we are searching for the root source of this issue so that we can eradicate it Users are experiencing a high CPU utilisation in their browser process which is a bug. We are still investigating this issue and working closely with Microsoft to get a solution.
More changes and fixes are inevitable during this invitation only Beta process, and we are also working on some of the change requests that you have suggested
As previously announced our support at this stage has focussed on Windows PC browsers, but we are now working with a number of Beta testers on the Apple Mac platform. Once we have announced full support for the Apple platform, we will look to support Linux users. If you would like to be involved in this cross platform testing, please email us at [email protected].