This week the Money Dashboard team has big news to share with everyone out there looking for a free budget planner or money saving app or even just existing Money Dashboard users...
Our new fully native Money Dashboard app for Android is now available for download! iOs/Apple will be available in a few short weeks. Keep track of the updates by following us on Twitter @moneydashboard.
Moment you've been waiting for
If you've been craving a fully comprehensive and intuitive budget tracker to keep in your pocket then Money Dashboard can help! It is with much excitement that the team here at MDB can now tell you that in just a few short weeks our new, fully native app will be available for Android and then a little while later for Apple/iOS.
Listen to our Money Dashboard podcast now to catch up on how the project is going and what you can expect from our new app.
Developer Q & A
Richard Brown, Head of our Money Dashboard Software Development Team, answers a few questions here about the app that some of our software fans and followers may have. If you have a question for Rich, tweet him @_RichardABrown.
Here is what he had to say to some of our quick-fire questions about the app.
Why now?
We've had a mobile app on both iOS and Android since last year, and although we've seen that users clearly have an appetite for a money management solution in their pocket, we did receive feedback that they wanted a more native experience. Rather than just port our existing responsive web application into a native app, we also wanted to take this opportunity to revisit what additional functionality users would like in a mobile app to allow them to be good with money.
Why Spend Tracker?
The Spend Tracker was introduced as a beta in our web application back in February after an intense two day workshop involving teams across Money Dashboard. The team identified that a gap in the product could be filled with a simple way of tracking spend across a set of user defined tags. The response to the feature was such that it demanded to be included in our mobile app.
Why Android First?
Initially, the desire was to release the app across both platforms at the same time, but two things prompted us to shift initial focus to Android. Firstly, we wanted to get the offering right on both platforms. Despite all of our research, we are not going to know for sure the impact of the app until it is out in the public domain. Working with a single platform will make this process much more faster and more effective. Secondly, this desire to respond to users' feedback quickly makes Android a sensible choice, with the lead time to deploy to the Apple Store a prohibitive factor when it comes to releasing updates.
What got you through the app development process?
MANY cups of Caffe Nero coffee... can you tell?!