Money Dashboard Version 2


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If this is your first experience of using Money Dashboard, click Sign up; fill in your details, set your password and security word, and you will be taken straight into the application, ready to add your accounts.

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Version 1 users

Money Dashboard Version 1 has now closed.Please sign up to Money Dashboard Version 2.

If you had an account on Version 1 of Money Dashboard and have not migrated your account your Version 1 financial account transactions and details have been securely deleted from our servers. Sign up now to Version 2.

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New and Improved

The application has been given a complete overhaul, from a refresh of some of the existing features we know you like, to the implementation of some further ground-breaking new functionality, such as our new Budget Planner. Thanks to your feedback over the past few months, Money Dashboard Version 2 is even better placed to help you see the true view of your financial life.

Here's what to expect :

A completely redesigned Dashboard

A snapshot of your current financial position, from your most recent Transactions and Net Balance Trends to your current month's total Money in and Money out. In addition to this, you will see any saving Goals you are working towards, and benefit from helpful tips along the way.

A unique Clear Cash figure

To highlight what you can spend or save each month before payday, its refreshed each time your accounts are updated.

See spending patterns, predict future outgoings and set targets

To enable you to plan effectively for the future, by budgeting for your own financial goals. We will help by using past spending habits to predict your future spending.

The ability to set up Alerts

Designed to help you manage your accounts more cost effectively.

Much improved clear and simple graphs

To show you where your money goes month by month we've improved the graphics to help take the stress out of understanding your financial management.

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Important Information: Money Dashboard Neon and Classic mobile and web apps are now closed as of 31/10/2023. Please see our FAQs for more information.