Massive March Giveaway: FAQs

Money Dashboard has been crowned Best Personal Finance App at the British Bank Awards for the second year running thanks to the votes of our wonderful users. To celebrate, we're giving away £1,000 cash!

Qualifying. All you need to know

To qualify for our Massive March Prize Draw, there are only a few boxes to tick. You’ll need to:

  • Be a registered Money Dashboard user
  • Be over 18 and live in England, Wales or Scotland
  • Have at least one bank account connected to Money Dashboard which has been refreshed within the last 30 days & is active at the time the draw is made

Frequently asked questions

When is the Prize Draw being held?

The winner will be announced in April 2018

How do I enter?

To qualify for entry you just need to log in to your Money Dashboard account and ensure you have at least one personal bank account connected & refreshed during March. The account must be active at the time the draw closes. All qualifying users will be automatically entered into the prize draw.

Why isn’t the Prize Draw available overseas or in Northern Ireland?

Under the Gambling Act 2005 it is lawful for us to offer this type of Prize Draw in England, Wales and Scotland. Different legislation applies overseas and in Northern Ireland, so unfortunately it’s not possible to offer the Prize Draw outside England, Wales and Scotland.

What if I am living abroad at the time of the draw?

Only those living in England, Wales or Scotland at the time of the draw can enter. Because of this, we have the right to question you about where you live, and we don’t count short term absences or holidays of up to 3 months from England, Wales or Scotland.

What is a qualifying account?

In order to qualify for the prize draw you must have connected a bank account to Money Dashboard & it must still be active when the prize draw winner is selected

Do I have a greater chance of winning if I connect more than one account?

No, you will only get one entry into the prize draw regardless of how many bank accounts you connect to your Money Dashboard account.

How do I find out if I’ve won?

Within one month of the date of the prize draw we will write to winners who have been selected and checked against our records, using the last known email address that we have on our records.

How do I claim my prize?

When we write to you we’ll confirm how you can claim your prize. Before we pay out any prize money we may require potential winners to provide reasonable proof of their identity, age and that they were living in England, Wales or Scotland as at the end of the month before the draw took place. We may ask the winners to take part in further publicity, but they do not have to agree to do this.

Can I use the same document to verify ID, age & address?

Yes, if the document contains all the relevant information and can verify these three criteria. Please remember that when verifying an address, the document must have an issue or post date of no more than 3 months prior to the draw date.

How long will the draw continue for?

The draw will run during March 2018.

What if I do not wish to take part in the Draw?

If you decide you do not want to take part in the draw, please contact us at: [email protected]

For more information please see the Massive March Giveway Prize Draw Rules.

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Important Information: Money Dashboard Neon and Classic mobile and web apps are now closed as of 31/10/2023. Please see our FAQs for more information.