We live in interesting times for the UK's online personal finance marketplace.
Recent personal finance news, and views and comments received from early users of Money Dashboard over the last few days, clearly shows the strength of demand for personal finance management tools by the UK consumer.
People want a clear and up to the minute picture of their personal finances so they can take control, track spending, set budgets and save money. This is great news for Money Dashboard as we work towards our launch this spring.
At this point, we are still in Beta testing as originally envisaged, and demand to get access to Beta has been incredible. We'd like to thank everyone currently waiting to get onto our invitation only Beta service for their patience. We know it is frustrating and we are working hard to get everyone on as quickly as possible. However we will continue to release Beta to small groups at a time so we can fully take on board feedback and suggestions.
Naturally as we are still in Beta there are issues with the system that we need to fix. And we are grateful to everyone taking part in testing for their time spent working with us to identify areas that need work, so that we can make changes prior to launch and give users the best experience we can. Feedback continues to be important to us to make sure the final product is exactly what you want and need from a personal finance management tool.
There are known and recorded issues between non-Microsoft Windows browsers and how they handle native Silverlight commands. For the early stages of Beta test and until we knew there was a workable solution to this, we had decided to test with an Internet Explorer only policy.
However, there is now a solution in place which has been fully tested by our teamand gives Windows' users the ability to use other major browsers. We've tested it with the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari (on Windows) and we would expect the solution to work on most other modern Windows' browsers. We are now working hard to include Apple Mac users ...
Our approach has always been to develop a user driven product so all comments have been very much appreciated. Thank you!