Smart as a Fox
Money Dashboard is not owned or operated by a bank, insurance company, or any other financial institution. We're unbiased, and we aim to include as many different types of bank accounts and credit cards as technology will allow, so that you have total visibility of all your finances.
Free as a Bird
There is no sign-up fee, subscription fee, or premium service, Money Dashboard is completely free money management software for the user.
Credible and Independent
Money Dashboard offers money saving tips and suggestions that are useful to the user, and our independence of any financial institution or product means that we're not just trying to sell you something!
What's In It for Us?
In order for Money Dashboard to be really useful, we want our users not just to understand their finances, but to actually save money. Over time we may suggest better ways to manage your money by making recommendations of other financial accounts. These should better suit your saving and spending habits and will hopefully help you to save.
If you accept one of our recommendations, and the new provider is a partner of Money Dashboard, then we will earn a small commission from the arrangement. If you choose not to move your account, everything stays the same.
We will only provide you with suggestions if they can help you save money, and we will still make the suggestion even if it will not earn us any commission.