Fewer Ads, More Savings

When we started Money Dashboard we made it clear that we didn't want to inundate any of our users with irrelevant adverts or “in your face” offers of products. Hence the reason we came up with just one banner ad at the top of the Money Dashboard application and having the Ways to Save section in a separate part of the application.

Recently we've starting changing the banner ads at the top of application to try and be more relevant for our users – hence the Quidco and Energy Helpline banners that have appeared recently. We'd appreciate ideas from you on what sort of savings suggestions we could give to our user base from this banner ad location. Please email [email protected].

Additionally we've started to look at how we can make offers to our users that are individually relevant to them by integrating them into the application. This thinking is at an early stage and we'd again appreciate input on how this might be achieved.

What's clear is that Money Dashboard can only remain free to our users if we can make relevant savings offers to our users that will pay Money Dashboard a small commission.

There is a delicate balance between giving our users genuine savings tips and being irritating with irrelevant suggestions – we are working hard to keep the scales tipped towards the former.

by George Hall, Managing Director

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