Essential money saving tips: Re-cycling

Relieve yourself from the weight and worry of recycling and use some of our top resources to get you to go green and even earn a bit of money along the way.

Get rid of it

Getting rid of furniture, appliances or other bulky belongings doesn't have to be expensive. If it's your car that's got to go, try Givecar; it collects and recycles vehicles for free, donating the proceeds from the scrap to charities.

Our Money Maestro Miss Thrifty recommends Shiply if you're sending the item on to a new home; it connects you with transport companies offering discounted rates on routes they're already using. This one isn't free, but you could still save up to 75%.

Trash into charitable cash

They say that one man's trash is another man's treasure and that has never been truer than with new player to the recycling market, Terracycle, who aim to get you giving your trash up for a good cause.

"Once you have joined a TerraCycle Brigade programme, download our Collection Guide for helpful suggestions on how to become a successful waste collection station. When your waste is ready to be sent in, you can download a shipping label from your TerraCycle account.

Once your waste is received and checked in to the TerraCycle facility, your collection location will be credited with any TerraCycle points that you may have earned for your waste. TerraCycle points can be redeemed for a variety of charitable gifts, or for a payment of £0.01 per point to the non-profit organisation or school of your choice."

Look into recycling with Terracycle today and if you do end up sending some trash, do tweet @Moneydashboard with us a picture. Here is a picture of our recycling bins, we may need another one for glass bottles given the proximity from these to our beer fridge though...

Upcycle it

We've pinned some Upcycling Ideas on Pinterest together on our Money Dashboard channel to help inspire you to see your old furniture, odd bits and pieces and junk for what it could be - beautiful home furniture and decor!

More money saving tips

For more money saving tips, pay a visit to our Everyday Essential Money Saving Tips and take a look at some of our best money saving tips!

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