Mastering Financial Management, by Clive Marsh

Described on the cover as "a step-by-step guide to strategies, applications and skills", this new textbook by Clive Marsh is a tremendously clear and practical analysis of financial management.The book is aimed primarily at students of accountancy and finance (Marsh lectures at the Chartered Institute of Bankers) but will also be an extremely useful reference book for practising professionals including accountants, bankers, fund managers and lawyers - and is actually quite readable for the layman who wants to know more.The book starts by going back to the basics of accountancy, looking at first principles of double entry, profit and loss accounts, the balance sheet and classification of assets and liabilities. It goes on to cover tax, budgeting, pricing and margins, incentivisation, gearing, capital and liquidity, interest rate risk, exchange risk management and numerous other areas of financial management. The book is very easy to read and makes an often dry and complex subject understandable, and sometimes even interesting! You can find the book on Amazon (Clive Marsh's Mastering Financial Management).

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