Is finding the right mortgage for you just about to get harder?

If you've ever used a mortgage broker to get you the best deal you might find you have to do more than just go to a broker in the future to find all the available deals. In a move that chips away at the advantages of going to a broker, Lloyds have decided not to make their own brand Cheltenham and Gloucester mortgage available through brokers, meaning that you may have to trawl lenders websites as well as go to your broker to find out the full range of available mortgages.

Whilst this doesn't make life easier for people looking for new mortgages, it doesn't affect existing C&G mortgages or people who've already applied via a broker. After Lloyds cut off date of 31 March you'll have to go direct to them for a C&G mortgage.

Make sure you ask your broker whose mortgages they can provide information on.

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