The majority of people quizzed about how they have handled their finances during the 2010 wish they had paid off more of their borrowings, research has suggested.
About 53% polled by internet and telephone bank first direct are sorry they did not reduce their debt more in the period.
A total of 37% regretted not having started to save for their retirement earlier.
A further 14% rued the amount of time they have lived in a rented property and the same amount of people felt they had spent too much money on their partner.
Around 12% of those questioned wished they had not splashed out so much on an expensive holiday, just over one in 10 regretted buying a car and 9% said they wished they had not bought a house.
But only 4% of those questioned said they regretted spending money on an expensive wedding during the past year.
Debt also topped the list of financial things people were most unhappy about, with 82% saying they wished they did not owe so much on credit cards and loans, while 80% of people were unhappy with their pension provision and 79% were cross with themselves for not taking advantage of tax-free investments, such as Isas.
Three-quarters of people wished they had saved more and 60% said they were unhappy with their general spending habits.