5 free and unusual outdoor activites

If you're bored of all the usual summer activities already, try your hand at something different. These activities are all free: and you might even discover your new favourite hobby.

1. Go on a techie treasure hunt

Geocaching is a global phenomenon. To take part, you just need to visit the geocaching website and look for caches hidden near you. Download the free app for iPhone or Android, enter the coordinates, and you're ready to go for a ramble. Most caches include a log to write your name in, and sometimes there are trinkets too. If you take any goodies, remember to leave something in its place for the next person who comes along.

2. Wander around the farmer's market

Shake up your weekly shop by doing it outdoors. You may not find everything on your shopping list, but you'll definitely pick up a few bargains. Our budgeting software makes it easy to see where you're spending all your money, and if you tend to spend a lot of cash in the supermarket it's worth shopping around to see if you can get your fruit and veg cheaper elsewhere. Seasonal produce is cheaper at local markets, and there's usually a more interesting selection too.

3. Take a swim on the wild side

Wild swimming means going for a dip in rivers, lakes, and other natural bodies of water. When you go wild swimming you're not just saving money on a trip to the baths: you're also taking the opportunity to discover some beautiful parts of the countryside that you might have missed out on otherwise. There are lots of great swimming holes across the country, which have been scouted out by avid wild swimmers. Some places are safer than others, so research before you go.

4. Throw a Quidditch tournament

You don't need magical powers to play Quidditch, you just need a few balls, some mates... and a dog. If you've read Harry Potter then you'll know the rules, but if not you can find them via the International Quidditch Association. Each team has three chasers, responsible for scoring goals with the Quaffle (a football). Each team has two beaters, who throw Bludgers (light rubber balls) at chasers from the other team to knock them out of play. Each team also has one seeker, who tries to catch the Snitch: and that's where the dog comes in. Give the dog a tennis ball. The first seeker to snatch the ball from the dog gets 30 points, ending the game.

5. Pretend you're at a music festival

You shouldn't have to miss out just because you're budgeting and can't afford to hit Glastonbury. Put together a playlist featuring your dream festival line up, don your wellies, pitch a tent in the garden and invite your friends round. You can all party the day away without having to deal with nasty portaloos. It's a win-win situation.


Posted by Money Dashboard


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