Women have 'safety-net' savings

Women are two times more likely to have a secret savings account than men, which they tend to use as a financial safety net, a poll has shown.

The survey of 1,300 people for ING Direct found that one in seven women (14%) have a savings account that their partner did not know about, compared with 7% of men.

Findings of spending trends reveal that while men splurge their secret savings on surprises for their partners, women are more likely to spend the cash on themselves or to use it as security.

The firm said that nearly 40% of the women said they had secret savings to ensure there was money to fall back on if their relationship failed, while 21% said the cash was their shopping fund.

However, 30% of men with a secret savings account said the money was to pay for a special item for their other half, such as an engagement ring or a holiday.

Richard Doe, chief executive of ING Direct, said: "We have discovered that many of us keep our savings secret.

"However, while romantic men save to treat their partners, women are more cautious, creating a safety net for use if love doesn't run its intended course."

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