Despite stock market volatility, the value of the policies of the majority of Standard Life's long-term savings customers have increased in the past year.
However, there will not be an increase in the final bonuses for all with-profits customers whose policies mature this year, the group said.
Standard Life said some customers would have lower bonuses than were paid last year, and others would have higher ones, although it declined to confirm how many customers fall into each camp or what the range of bonuses being paid is.
A final payout of £29,290 would be paid for someone who took out a 25-endowment policy into which they had paid £50 a month, if their policy matures this year.
A pension policy into which someone paid £200 a month for 20 years will be worth £81,629.
Margaret Flaherty, with-profits communications manager at Standard Life, said; "After an encouraging start to the year for investment markets, we have seen sharp falls in equity values over the last couple of months.
"We are pleased to say that despite the recent volatility in investment returns, most with-profits investors will have seen an increase in their plan value over the last year."