See what money is coming in

Recently, we updated the look of Money Dashboard; this was in preparation for future changes we wanted to make. Well, now we have started!

Income Totals

Probably one of the most common requests we receive into Support is: "I want to see what money I have coming in each month as well as what money is going out."

So what we have done here is to add a new section to the Tracking screen - 'Income'

Here, we have summed all of your incoming or 'credit' transactions to give you a grand total for the month and then split this figure into 3 groups:

  • Tagged as income - this figure represents your usual income, it's all your credit transactions which have been tagged as "Income - regular" and "Income - other"
  • Other tagged income - this figure represents other income you may have received during the month such as money for your birthday; i.e. credit transactions which have been tagged as, but not as "Income - regular" or "Income - other"
  • Untagged income - this figure is the value of all your credit transactions which have not been tagged

Spend Totals

These figures are a repeat of what you see in your Dashboard; they represent all your spending or 'debit' transactions for the month. However, we have made a small change and that is to create a link for Untagged transactions so you can quickly see which transactions you still need to tag.

Adding totals for both Income and Spend means you can quickly compare your outgoings with your income. However, because of the way Money Dashboard works you won't need to do anything to see your income and spend for the current month and previous months. The figures will be calculated automatically based upon the transactions you have in your Money Dashboard.


Another significant change we have made is to update the help for the application. Previously the help was confined to small screens within Money Dashboard. We have now taken the Help out of the application and made it full screen. At the same, we have also updated the existing content and added many additions.

Why not check out our new Help?

Again, these changes are small but we think they will make a difference to your use of Money Dashboard. Let us know what you think by using the Feedback form in the application.

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