Rising food costs impact shoppers

Consumers are being forced to change their shopping habits as a result of soaring food prices, Which? reveals.

The increase in the cost of food is a concern for 84% of those questioned in a national survey from the consumer champion.

And there appears to be no relief on the horizon for budgeting shoppers, with prices continuing to rise despite falling inflation.

Over the past year, nine in 103 people have noticed an increase in their shopping bills, the Which? study shows.

A third were forced to make grocery savings during 2011 and more than 4% relied on discount supermarkets more regularly.

Shoppers are also resorting to discounted brands and value packs in a bid to save some money.

Which? executive director Richard Lloyd said: "People are changing their behaviour and becoming more savvy shoppers when it comes to groceries, but there's only so much they can do to cut back on the basics."

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