Majority of workers' pay 'frozen'

The majority of employees might have found money management that little bit more difficult recently as a survey revealed that most people have not received a pay rise this year.

According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), only one in four workers have received a wage rise, with most seeing their incomes frozen and one in 20 actually taking a pay cut in the past six months.

The CIPD study also revealed that almost four out of five public sector workers have not received a pay rise this year, compared with half of employees working in the private sector.

Those who were fortunate enough to get a pay rise typically saw their wage packets increase by 3%, which is well below the level of inflation - something that could make personal financial management tricky.

Charles Cotton, the CIPD's performance and reward adviser, said: "Even those who are lucky enough to get an increase in their pay will find it below the current cost of living, compounding consumer belt-tightening.

"Inflation figures later this month will highlight growing pricing pressures, which is likely to continue for some time."

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