Holidaymakers 'save by using euros'

An increasing number of holidaymakers are taking advantage of the weakening euro and saving up to £600 per holiday by paying for their trip in the currency, a foreign exchange broker has said.

According to Currency UK, there has been a 70% increase in the number of holidaymakers cutting back on their expenses by paying in advance for various services such as flights, hotel rooms, holiday villas, activities and car hire in euro.

Adrian Jacob at Currency UK said: "We have certainly seen an increase in the number of savvy holidaymakers taking advantage of the low rates currently in the market by paying for their complete holiday in euros through us and we expect this trend to continue throughout the year as the euro continues to weaken against the sterling rate."

A spokeswoman for Currency UK claims that holidaymakers who transfer their money from sterling into euros through a foreign exchange broker, can obtain the most competitive exchange rate.

A foreign exchange broker also helps holidaymakers get rid of additional bank or credit card fees which are levied on to their account for each foreign currency transfer, the spokeswoman said.

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