Bank holidays hit mortgage figures

Figures have shown that the number of mortgages approved during April fell 4% as the bank holidays took people's minds off moving.

The Bank of England said that 45,166 mortgages were approved for house purchase during the month.

Figures showed it was the lowest level since December - when many people chose to stay in rather than go and view properties amid the freezing temperatures and snow.

Approvals for people remortgaging also dived by 10% to a level last seen in July last year, with just 28,091 loans approved during the month as the threat of an imminent interest rate rise receded.

Net lending, which strips out redemptions and repayments, rose slightly compared with the previous month but remained muted at £739 million, well down on pre-credit crunch levels of more than £9 billion a month.

It is thought people who keep tabs on personal finance news will be interested to hear the figures.

The figures were broadly in line with data reported by the Council of Mortgage Lenders and the British Bankers' Association, both of which showed a fall in activity during April.

The CML said total mortgage advances had dropped by 14% during the month, while the BBA said the number of mortgages approved for house purchase had fallen by 6% and there was a 12% slide in remortgage approvals.

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