All-inclusive holidaymakers 'pay more'

The infamous all-inclusive holiday turns out to be fairly exclusive for many people, according to a poll by the Post Office.

The majority of people find they are forced to pay extra for items or services they were led to believe they had paid for already.

Perhaps travel insurance would not stretch this far to cover such hidden, unexpected costs?

As many as four in every five holidaymakers (80%) have been stung, according to the Post Office survey. And nearly everyone interviewed for the poll (94%) said they were led to believe that every one of their meals was included in their all-inclusive holiday package price.

The survey showed that around two-thirds of resort establishments admitted charging their guests extra money or restricted offerings on things like a-la-carte dining. The Post Office said it interviewed 54 hotels in 24 destinations around the world.

Meanwhile, a fifth of holidaymakers had to pay more money for a-la-carte meals during their so-called all-inclusive deal, the poll found.

If this poll finding is based on the average cost of a meal for one person - £21 - then holiday firms and resorts are pocketing an extra £20.8 million thanks to their additional charges.

Other additional charges were applied to non-alcoholic drinks, internet access and room mini-bars, instead of being part of the promised all-inclusive price.

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