46% of taxes are being 'misused'

Britons think that nearly half of their taxes are not being spent wisely by the Government and the economy is in bad shape, according to a poll.

The BBC World Service global poll, conducted by public opinion research company GlobeScan/PIPA, concluded that the British public believes 46% of taxes are being misused, while 58% think the economy will get worse in the next year.

However, the research also suggests Britain is not just a nation of complainers as 36% are willing to pay more tax to cut the budget deficit, while 60% support the Government's attempts to reduce the deficit - a higher level of support than any other European nation.

But while 37% of Britons felt that financial help should be made available to banks, 40% strongly oppose further bail-outs, and 51% back an increase in government regulation of the economy.

A total of 69% of Britons agreed with neighbouring European countries that basic food items should be made cheaper through subsidy.

Doug Miller, chairman of GlobeScan, said: "As countries struggle to achieve economic recovery, citizens want more active government, but also more effective government intervention in the economy to meet the needs of citizens, including stabilising food prices."

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